

Date : 27/05/2016 - | Sector: Health

Sabujshree is a scheme initiated by Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal commencing from 27th May, 2016 under which each new born baby in the State shall be gifted the sapling of a tree to be planted by her / his family on their own land. the scheme aims to ensure a measure of financial security to each child and increase the green cover in the state. Sabujshree is a collaborate effort of the Department of Forest, Panchayat & rural Development and Health &Family Welfare.

Upto 31.12.2019 the figure of the District Stands as follows: – 

Sl. No. Name of Block Distribution of saplings from inception (27/05/2016) Distributed saplings in December – 2019
1. Balurghat 13361 428
2. Hili 3557 32
3. Kumarganj 7948 100
4. Tapan 7415 84
5. Gangarampur 16795 608
6. Harirampur 5481 112
7. Banshihari 5555 112
8. Kushmandi 9377 108
District Total 69489 1584



Beneficiary type (Eg: women, children, senior citizen, etc.), Sector (Eg: Health, Education, Agriculture, etc.)


Eg: Monetary benefit, Scholarships, Subsidy, etc.

How To Apply

Fill the Form (downloadable form or link of online form)